Application Marketplace

Codificar Marketplace Platform is perfect for you who want to have a successful product like iFood.

Create a complete delivery application, ready to be inserted into the digital world. Be a big investor with Codificar Marketplace Platform.

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Create your own Ifood-like app

Codificar Marketplace Platform

Codificar Marketplace Platform is the best script for developing an application like iFood. Through it, you can create your own delivery platform complete with all the main tools. Have in your hands a website, an application and a complete administrative center to help you in a profitable business, with incredible results.

Conheça mais sobre o Plataforma de vendas online da Codificar e aproveite essa oportunidade de se tornar um bilionário!

Learn more about Codificar online sales platform and take advantage of this opportunity to become a billionaire!

What you have to gain with our platform

Get ahead with our Marketplace Platform


We spend a LOT, so you spend little. Our Marketplace App, is a White Label Platform solution where you will invest 10x less than your own platform development. Here you save time and money.

Your business, your face

Codificar Whitelabel platforms have an incredible level of customization. You can choose your brand, your colors and leave your marketplace platform with your visual identity. Other than that, you can act in the niche you want. Be the pioneer in your city.


We deliver your online sales platform application in 30 days. Be quick and efficient with us. Start as soon as possible to undertake with Codificar.


We want you to earn commissions on all channels. With our marketplace platform you can help your customer to sell through a portal or through our incredible application for Android and Apple.

All you can do

Marketplace Platform Features

Atue na área e nicho que desejar. Tenha um marketplace para restaurantes, farmácias, supermercados, automóveis ou ainda todos estes setores.

Apenas habilite se desejar e permita que o estabelecimento controle seu estoque no seu marketplace

Estabelecimentos e seus produtos podem ser avaliados para controle de qualidade.

Busca de produtos e estabelecimentos de forma geolocalizada, apresentando os mais próximos e com diversos filtros opcionais

Seus usuários podem optar entre receber o produto no endereço desejado ou realizar a retirada no estabelecimento.

Controle seus ganhos por estabelecimento através de uma taxa de comissão configurada no perfil de cada loja.

Cada estabelecimento terá sua loja virtual online através do portal e também do aplicativo, tornando assim um canal de vendas para seus clientes.

Organize produtos, estabelecimentos e pedidos e facilite a navegação do usuário através de segmentos, categorias e subcategorias.

Envio de PUSH em massa para facilitar a comunicação entre a plataforma e entregadores.

Controle seu negócio. Tenha acesso a vários relatórios de gestão da sua plataforma, com filtros avançados e exportação para excel.

Venda de pizza meio a meio com vários ingredientes a um 1 litro de óleo para motor.

Módulo de pagamento de fornecedores através de sistema bancário. Emita o arquivo de remessa para seu banco e deixe que faça o pagamento em lote aos entregadores.

Defina no mapa por loja onde deseja realizar as entregas dos pedidos, decidindo assim sua área de atuação. Ou integre com sistemas logísticos de terceiros.

Tem forma melhor do que atrair o cliente com o bom e velho desconto? Faça as melhores promoções através de cupons de descontos, determine locais, serviços e valores e obtenha o máximo de resultado.

Integre o seu sistema com outros através de nossa API Pública (Swagger Open Api). Estamos pronto para integração com lojas virtuais, sistemas de gestão, marketplaces.

Work in the area and niche you want. Have a marketplace for restaurants, pharmacies, supermarkets, automobiles or even all these sectors.

Search for products and establishments in a geolocalized way, presenting the closest ones and with several optional filters.

Each establishment will have its online virtual store through the portal and also through the application, thus making it a sales channel for its customers.

Control your business. Access various management reports for your platform, with advanced filters and export to excel.

Set on the map by store where you want to deliver orders, thus deciding your area of ​​expertise. Or integrate with third-party logistics systems.

Only enable it if you wish and allow the establishment to control your stock in its marketplace.

Its users can choose between receiving the product at the desired address or making the withdrawal at the establishment.

Organize products, establishments and orders and facilitate user navigation through segments, categories and subcategories.

Sale of pizza half and half with several ingredients to a 1 liter of motor oil.

Is there a better way than attracting the customer with the good old discount? Make the best promotions through discount coupons, determine locations, services and values ​​and get the most out of it.

Establishments and their products can be evaluated for quality control.

Track your earnings by merchant using a commission rate set in each store’s profile.

Bulk PUSH sending to facilitate communication between the platform and users.

Payment module for suppliers through the banking system. Issue the remittance file to your bank and let it pay the drivers in bulk.

Integrate your system with others through our Public API (Swagger Open Api). We are ready to integrate with virtual stores, management systems, marketplaces.

Your new business in your city!

The modern world is the Marketplace world. New ways and new ways to supply this growing demand can change the game. There is already a validated path that works, but the world needs your idea to be different – and better. If you had this idea and are ready to put it into practice, Codificar is ready to deliver a complete platform to support your idea. Here at Codificar, we will deliver an application for your new business in record time and at the lowest cost. Promote trade by making life easier for each customer and establishment in your region. Gather a niche of products in one application and assemble the catalog that will change the trade in your city. With our platform, you will get your idea out of the paper and put it at the touch of a screen.

“You never know what results will come from your action, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

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